September 10, 2010

Baked Egg Muffins

I made these last weekend for breakfast and yum yum yum.  And if the bacon is pre-cooked (as in I actually planned ahead which is rare these days...and Stud hasn't eaten all of it), these would take no time to whip up.  I could maybe even squeeze them into my 20 minute breakfast break on weekday mornings!  I think these would be a great treat to start a day off that ends with class at 9pm.  I do need my energy.

Baked Egg Muffins
1 slice of bread, crusts removed
1 egg
1 slice cooked bacon
Hot Sauce

Above are the ingredients for one baked egg muffin - I would suggest 2-3 per person.  I had three.  Wedding diet is going really well.  Pre-heat the oven to 375.  Spray a muffin tin with non-stick spray and butter both sides of the bread. Press it down into the muffin tin so the four corners stick out like little peaks.  Bake the bread for about six minutes, or until it starts to toast.  Remove from the oven.  Take the bacon and crumble it into the bottom of the bread.  I saved a little to sprinkle on top!  Next, crack an egg directly into the bread cup.  Mine overflowed a bit here, but I have reallly old shallow muffin tins.  And everything came out just fine without some egg white.  Next, dribble a little cream right on top of the egg and then season with some salt and pepper.  I also (of course) added some hot sauce right to the top.  Cover with cheese and put back in the oven for an addition 10-14 minutes.  Mine took closer to 14, and some were perfect and some were a little overdone.  Remove from the oven and sprinkle with the remaining bacon.  You can pop them out easily using a fork.  Great way to start off a Saturday of a long weekend!!

Haudge's Fan Pic:

Original recipe can be found here.

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