September 16, 2010

Ready for FALL! (pt 2)

Any my list continues....

5. Fires.  Fire pits and fire places.  I love sitting around a fire pit on a cool night enjoying company and making s'mores.  And I love that smell.  And my fire place...very glad it's functioning and can't wait to get it up and running.  And then to lay all the blankets and couch cushions down right in front, open a bottle of wine, and enjoy a nice movie with Stud and Beau.

4. Fall food.  I know I will regret this comment come February, but I am tired of summer foods.  I am ready for some squash and (carmel) apples.  For soups. Gumbo, minestrone, chili.  I am ready to eat some food that warms my tum without also making me start to sweat.  For rich heavy foods I do not regret eating ten minutes into the meal.  For pies and warm desserts made to be eaten by the fire.

3. Fall weather - it's by far my favorite.  As someone who glistens very easily, the drop in humidity and breeze that arrive in the fall make it better than spring.  Things are cool and crisp.  There is that first frost that kills all the mosquito's (my arch nemesis).  I can sleep with the windows open and not feel like I need to wash my face when I wake up.  I like turning off the AC and keeping all the windows open.  I love needing to bring a sweater as a perfect day turns into a cool night. 

2. My wedding!!!  I can't WAIT to see all my friends from college and family that does not leave nearby.  I can't wait to celebrate.  I can't wait for Stud and I to be legit.  For him to have some new bling for his left hand so all those wandering eyes on the nurses at the hospital can get the message - HE'S TAKEN.  That cute one in the scrubs - he's mine.  Not that I am proprietary or anything.

1. My honeymoon.  I need a vacation.  I have learned honeymoons are not to enjoy time as newlyweds.  They are so the bride can unwind after months and months of wedding planning.  And the new hubs comes along for company and foot massages.

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